The Human Mind

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The Human Mind

And the mammalian brain became the human brain by adding the massive grey matter (neocortex) which envelopes most of the earlier brain and amounts to about 85 per cent of the human brain mass.

This massive addition consists mostly of two hemispheres which are covered by an outer layer and interconnected by a string of nerve fibres.

The brain is actually divided into its 'hemispheres' by a prominent groove. At the base of this groove lies the thick bundle of nerve fibres which enable these two halves of the brain to communicate with each other.

But the left hemisphere usually controls movement and sensation in the right side of the body, while the right hemisphere similarly controls the left side of the body.

We saw that with the mammalian brain emerged feelings such as attachment, fear and anger and associated behavioural response patterns.

And human emotional responses depend on neuronal pathways which link the right hemisphere to the mammalian brain which in turn is linked to the even older reptilian brain.

Fascinating is the way in which work is divided between the two halves of the brain, their different functions and the way in which they supplement and co-operate with each other.

Most people (about 80 per cent) are right-handed <4> and in the vast majority of right-handed people, the ability to organise speech and the ability to speak are predominantly localised in the left side of the brain. But the right side can understand written and spoken language to some extent at least.

"Appreciating spatial perceptions depends more on the right hemisphere, although there is a left hemisphere contribution. This is especially true when handling objects" and concerning abstract geometric shapes and music.

Roger Sperry, Michael Gazzaniga and their colleagues found that, when presented with a stimulus, both hemispheres were active and could recognise the nature of visual stimuli as well as spoken words.

But while the left hemisphere can express itself by verbally describing a stimulus, the right hemisphere can express itself non-verbally by selecting the matching stimulus.

The left hemisphere deals with word choice, rules of grammar, and the meaning of words. The right hemisphere apparently determines the emotional content of speech.

So a general overview of the functional division of activities between the two hemispheres would be:

Left Hemisphere
Communicates by using words, has highly developed verbal abilities, is logical and systematic, concerned with matters as they are.

Right Hemisphere
Communicates using images (pictures), has highly developed spatial abilities, is intuitive and imaginative, concerned with emotions and feelings.

But the two hemispheres are interconnected and communicate, the human mind brings together these abilities and skills into a comprehensive whole whose operation depends on the way in which its parts contribute and co-operate with each other.

The right hemisphere links to the primitive older part of the brain, and I consider that it communicates using images with its primitive 'unconscious' functions. Thinking in pictures is fast. Think of how long it takes to describe a picture, a scene, in words and compare this with the speed of taking it in by looking at it. But images may be described, or transformed into a narrative, by the left hemisphere.

Language is both spoken as well as written, verbal and visual. And speech and language and associated pictures, images and memories appear to be located all over the brain. Cognition of meaning (knowing and understanding sentences, for example) is high level processing which includes both semantic and visual processing. And behaviour involves the integration of activities in many different parts of the brain.

So now the human brain includes the processing and memorising of images and of their components. And the development of language and corresponding mental processing connected with memory and memorising. As well as the development of a wide range of emotions, of feelings, of care and affection, and the capability for objective and logical thinking and evaluation. And the later development of written languages and artificial images.



  • How we sleep:

Day and night alternate over 24 hours due to the rotation of the planet, and the start and length of daylight varies with the seasons.

So internal biological clocks (controllers) evolved for controlling activities related to the environment such as those of cold-blooded animals which need to maintain their body temperature by warming themselves in the sun. Reptiles are cold-blooded animals warmed by the daylight sun and conserve energy by restricting activities when it is dark. And the biological clock which controls their activity-rest cycle is located within the eye.

But about 180 million years ago, warm-blooded mammals evolved from their cold-blooded reptilian ancestors by developing the ability to maintain a constant body temperature by biological processes. This freed them from depending on daylight and the weather for survival. Deep sleep appeared at the same time.

The earlier mammals were reproducing themselves by hatching their young out of eggs. But about 180 to 130 million years ago, many mammals evolved into giving birth directly from the womb, their young being born alive after having been developed for a considerable period within the womb. Their young have to grow and learn much for a long time before they can survive independently, for many years in the case of human beings. The human brain now has much greater learning capacity.

In mammals, information about light and darkness is transmitted from the eye to a biological clock, now situated in the mammalian brain, which controls the sleep-wakefulness rhythm. Another biological clock controls the body-temperature rhythm, and these biological clocks together control the related body-temperature and sleep-wakefulness rhythms.

While the body's temperature is held at a constant level, it varies by about 0.5 deg C from a low at about 05.00 hours to a high at about 18.00 hours. It appears that we tend to go to sleep after our body temperature has began to fall and tend to wake up after it has started to rise.

"The length of the geophysical day is 24 hours. Our sleep-wakefulness rhythm (circadian rhythm) has a duration which varies from individual to individual (usually between 25 and 28 hours) but is always longer than 24 hours. And our biological rhythms are adjusted accordingly, day by day," by these internal biological clocks, to the external geophysical day, to the environment. People sleep, on average, between 6.5 and 8.5 hours.

The body-temperature clock also controls the appearance of REM sleep.


There are key mental states each characterised by its own brain wave pattern. When awake we can be attending or concentrating, or we can be relaxed. When asleep we could be in SHALLOW sleep, DEEP sleep, or REM sleep.

Shallow sleep is often referred to as 'Stage 2' sleep, and Deep sleep as 'Stage 4' sleep.

During REM sleep (Rapid-Eye-Movement sleep), the eyes move rapidly and continuously. At times REM sleep is referred to as dreaming sleep and sometimes called paradoxical sleep, or called paradoxical sleep only when referring to animals.

During Deep sleep the body's muscles are relaxed, heart beat and breathing are slow and regular. In REM sleep the body's muscles are paralysed while heart beat and breathing fluctuate as they would during emotional upsets in waking life.

Brain-wave frequency of the different sleep stages we pass through in the course of a night are outlined in Figure 1 'Sleep Pattern: Day-Night-Day'. From being wide awake before going to sleep, we relax, sleep lightly (shallow) for ten to fifteen minutes before sleeping deeply. Following Deep sleep we REM sleep after which we wake up through relaxing to being fully awake.

Deep sleep is followed by REM sleep. In order to achieve this as far as possible within a night, the brain arranges alternating periods of deep sleep followed by REM sleep.

The illustration shows graphically what happens to the brain's electrical activity as the night progresses, illustrated by the frequency of the brain waves. As we progress from being awake through sleep to being awake again, the frequency drops, reaching its lowest point while in deep sleep and then rises again to the wide-awake level.

Amplitude, that is voltage, changes inversely. It increases when the frequency drops, reaching its highest level during deep sleep, and then decreases again to the wide-awake level.

Considering adults, that is excluding the young and the elderly, on the whole we 'Deep Sleep' during the first half of the night, and 'REM Sleep' during the second. But possibly because we cannot be certain how long we will sleep, whether our sleeping period will be interrupted unexpectedly, Deep sleep and REM sleep are divided into shorter sleep periods which alternate.

That we Deep sleep first and that REM sleep follows Deep sleep is clearly shown in Figure 2. This shows how the two kinds of sleep alternate as Deep sleep ends and REM sleep begins and proceeds.

Deep Sleep and REM Sleep each take up about 20 to 25 percent of the night's sleep. The remainder is largely taken up by transition 'Shallow' sleep' periods which enable brain and body to adjust to the next type of sleep, and by occasional brief periods of intermediate 'Stage 1' and 'Stage 3' sleep.


We have already seen much about Deep sleep and about REM sleep so this seems a good point to include in this section also what has been said so far.

Both Deep sleep and REM sleep appeared about 180 million to 130 million years ago in mammals as they evolved from reptiles.

Deep sleep and REM sleep are the core sleep activities, each taking up about 20 to 25 percent of the night's sleep, the remainder being taken up by shallow transition sleep periods.

On the whole we Deep sleep during the first half of the night, and REM sleep during the second. Deep sleep and REM sleep are divided up into shorter sleep periods which alternate.

So now we can list the characteristics of Deep sleep and of REM sleep, as follows:

Deep Sleep

Deep sleep appeared at about the time warm blooded mammals evolved from their cold-blooded reptilian ancestors by developing the ability to maintain a constant body temperature by biological processes.

As we progress from being awake through sleeping to being awake again, the frequency of the brain waves drops, reaching its lowest point while in Deep sleep and then rises again to the wide-awake level. (See Figure 1 'Sleep Pattern: Day - Night - Day')

During Deep Sleep the body's muscles are relaxed and heart beat and breathing are slow and regular.

Deep sleep 'dream-like experiences are more like ordinary everyday thoughts and are usually rather banal and repetitive in content'. During Deep sleep 'one is not dreaming but thinking.' 

REM Sleep (Rapid-Eye-Movement sleep)

REM sleep also appeared at about the time warm blooded mammals evolved from their cold-blooded reptilian ancestors by developing the ability to maintain a constant level of body temperature by biological processes.

At this constant level there is a small but closely controlled body temperature rhythm (we tend to go to sleep after our body temperature has began to fall and tend to wake up after it has started to rise) and the body-temperature clock also controls the appearance of REM sleep.

On the whole we REM sleep during the second half of the night, after Deep sleep and before waking up through relaxing to being fully awake.

In REM sleep the body's muscles are paralysed while heart-beat and breathing fluctuate as they would during emotional upsets in waking life. Brain waves look like the waking pattern. The eyes move rapidly and continuously.

Persistent rapid eye movement shows that dreaming is taking place and the brain paralyses the sleeper so that the dreams cannot be acted out.

Dreams tend to consist of "sensory illusions or hallucinated dramas" (imagined feelings or awarenesses), are not usually remembered unless the dreamer wakes up from the dream itself. "The length of time taken to dream of certain events is about the same as the time it would take to experience those events in waking reality."


We saw that Deep sleep appeared about 180 million to 130 million years ago in mammals as they evolved from reptiles. And that during Deep sleep the body's muscles are relaxed and heart beat and breathing are slow and regular. In Deep sleep 'one is not dreaming but thinking'.

As reptiles evolved into mammals and mammals into human beings, complicated and interrelated physiological and biological changes took place. And it seems as if body maintenance and development takes place during Deep sleep.

For example, "during sleep, the endocrine organs come to life and secrete into the bloodstream hormones that affect the entire body".


"If REM sleep is prevented, it takes precedence over other kinds of sleep until the lack of REM sleep has been made good, at least to some extent. So human beings need REM sleep."

Professor Lavie heads Haifa Technion's Sleep Laboratory. He reports "that in some way or other, we can maintain contact with reality during REM sleep and even decide when to wake up with the help of internal signals", and that "REM sleep allows a smooth and rapid transition from sleep to wakefulness, and so can be viewed as a gate to wakefulness during sleep."

"Further findings at the Technion Sleep Laboratory demonstrated an additional advantage in awakening from REM sleep. When we examined how people functioned after awakening from REM sleep, we found that they performed very well at tasks which included orientation in space. These tasks, which are controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, were performed with a lesser success rate after awakening from the Deep sleep of stages 3 and 4. In other words, a person awakening from REM sleep is immediately orientated in his surroundings, which is of cardinal importance to a smooth transition from sleep to wakefulness."

Which suggests to me that the left hemisphere is involved in Deep sleep 'dreaming' and the right hemisphere in REM sleep dreaming.

REM sleep appeared when, as we saw already, mammals evolved into giving birth directly from the womb, their young being born alive after having been developed for a considerable period within the womb. The young have to grow and learn much for a long time before they can survive independently, for many years in the case of human beings. Which applies particularly to the brain which now has much greater learning capacity.

During the first few days after birth the actual amount of REM sleep is very great and Lavie concluded that "it plays a vital role in the maturing stage of the nervous system" and that "it is possible that REM sleep is particularly important for procedural types of learning in which humans acquire motor and perceptual skills. Since during the first few months of life infants are busy acquiring new motor and perceptual skills, these findings may also explain the abundance of REM sleep at that particular time in our life".

Lavie also reports that REM sleep in cats "seems to be training their neural networks in mainly instinctive behaviour" and that "several studies have indicated a possibility that the consolidation of memory traces for at least certain types of learning occurs during REM sleep".

So the role of REM sleep appears to be that of generating dreams, of filing away memories for later use, and to enable us to wake up quickly and fully orientated.




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